\In my experience as a San Jose Wedding Photographer, I always love photographing elopement at San Jose County Clerk Office or San Francisco City Hall. I love these Elopement because they are intimate Weddings, attended by a small number of guests Often by the parents and close member of family of the Bride and Groom. However, it can be challenging for a Photographer because usually the ceremony usually happens so fast and only last for about 10 minutes. I love these challenges so I have to work carefully, efficiently and plan my shots before hand.
I was contacted by Alcinto and Luiza a few days before his Wedding at the San Jose Clerk Office. I met with the couple and Luiza’s parents who flew over from Brazil to witness their daughter’s Wedding. Since the parent’s English are limited, the B&G (bride and groom) had to translate for me but it was pretty easy to photograph them because they were so easy going and they are so in love. We started the coverage with taking a few pictures at the backyard before entering the Wedding Chapel. As I expected, the Wedding lasts about 8 minutes and here are my favorite images. So if you are looking for a Photographer to capture your Elopement at the San Jose Country Clerk Recording Office, please contact me via email at sessions@harrywhophotography.com. I would love to hear from you. Thank you for visiting my blog.