In the past month I have been getting more into Event Photography, which I enjoy very much. Some of these events are worth mentioned here.

Go Red for Women Luncheon is a Annual charity event organized by the American Heart Organization to promote Heart awareness. Women have a highest risk of Heart diseases and the purpose of this organization is to teach women to eat well and how to live longer. Most of the attendees wore red at the luncheon and you can see red everywhere. What did I learn from this event? To maintain a healthy Heart: reduce the fat, eat less and …. eat mostly plants. 🙂

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On the same day, I was invited to take pictures at the Cantor Arts Center, Stanford University in Palo Alto, for the Grand Opening Night of the late Richard Avedon Exhibition. The opening night was elaborately and elegantly arranged and prepared by Cooleatz Catering, owned by the famous chef Jesse Cool. So the food was amazing, and everything that Jesse prepared was organically grown. Hmm Yum Yum. Richard Avedon’s photo collection is breathtaking and so rich in flavor. Please go and see the exhibition if you can.

At the entrance…..
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Another serving tent in the courtyard
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Gorgeous display of yummy finger food….
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This Fossilized wooden looking horse scuplture was actually made out of bronze.
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One of the many famous Rodin’s sculptures on permanent exhibit at Cantor Arts Centre
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