Kiss my hand

I have met Andy and Gina about 24 years ago in Downtown San Jose. Introduced by a friend, it was definitely love at first sight. Andy is a very skilled martial artist known in the Vietnamese Community and had a career as a Hollywood Stuntman. Currently he runs the ChokeOut Cancer Foundation, a non profit organization aimed at helping the community. Gina runs the day to day operation of the Foundation. Indeed a colorful couple who likes to joke around, and spontaneity is one of their trademarks. For their Engagement Session, we headed to downtown San Jose where they actually live. We went to a local bar, the Continental, and then to the San Jose Civic Hall. Their dog comes along to the shoot. Below are the favorite images from their Session shot before their Wedding at the Capital Club next month.

A picture of a couple sitting at a San Jose downtown bar
A cool picture of a man kisses his fiance
A fiance kisses his girlfriend hand
A couple pose on the sidewalk in front of a bar
A cool silhouette picture of a couple on the doorway
A fun photo of a couple having fun
A couple pose in front of a classic car in downtown san jose
A picture of a couple leaning on a beautiful classic car
A couple walk in front a graffiti wall art in downtown san jose
Beautiful image of a couple and his dog at the San Jose Civic Hal1
Hugging Couple with the San Jose Civic Hall as a background
A beautiful bride to be poses for the picture in time for their Wedding at the Capital Club
Beautiful photo of a couple in downtown San Jose - Civic Hall
A Nighttime image of a couple on the stairs
A cool picture of a couple in downtown san jose dusk
An Artistic Photo of a couple standing against the wall
ESession Images in Downtown San Jose

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