Mark and Jeneal decided to choose the Churchill Manor in Napa for their Wedding location. To match with its 19th century architecture, Mark wore his Edwardian costume complete with the top hat. I just love the interior of this place. I couldn’t stopped to take pictures inside.
Afterwards, we all embarked on the Napa Valley Wine Train for the Dinner Reception. Do you know that back in the early 90s, there was a great flood that affected many of the wineries near the railroad track. They claimed the flood originated from the sewer that was operated by the train company. Anywho, the wineries came up with the replacement price for each of the wine tree. I heard it was around 10 to 15k each. Wow.
After Mark and Jeneal’s Wedding, I went straight to SFO; parked my car and then embarked on a plane for a 28 hour journey to Koh Samui, Thailand to photograph Dion and Rachel Wedding at Anantara Resort. Tired? Yes, but excited. 🙂

These photos brought such a smile to my face! Congrats to Mark and his lovely wife. Fabulous!